This story follows a young Earth pony named Sunny, who is voiced by Vanessa Hudgens, as she teams up with a young unicorn named Izzy, voiced by Kimiko Glenn, as they go on a journey to prove all three pony types were friends long ago. It finds several creative and fun ways to connect to the originals, and of course, to Friendship is Magic as well. This hilarious film is fun for every pony in the family with an amazing cast, fantastic animation, and songs that will be stuck in your head for hours on end! Fans that grew up on My Little Pony and are worried about this new one, don’t be. Get ready to fall in love with a whole new group of ponies, My Little Pony: A New Generation is pure magic. My Little Pony: A New Generation – (L-R) SUNNY (voiced by Vanessa Hudgens), HITCH (voiced by James Marsden), IZZY (voiced by Kimiko Glenn), ZIPP (voiced by Liza Koshy) and PIPP (voiced by Sofia Carson).